About Us and Our Partners
The King’s Kids Foundation, one of Monroe County’s most active organizations for helping children with educational resources, was formed in 2008. Since that time, the foundation has raised over $1,000,000 to assist the needs of children in the Monroe County, Alabama community.
Donors include corporations, charitable foundations, and individuals. King’s Kids Foundation is also a recipient of grants from State of Alabama organizations, such as the Alabama State Council on the Arts, and the Alabama Partnership for Children.
Through one annual fund raising event, King’s Kids is able to fund its annual Program of Work.
King’s Kids Foundation, Inc. also accepts memorial donations.
King’s Kids Foundation acknowledges each donation made by personal notification to the respective donor.
King’s Kids Foundation, Inc. deeply appreciates the generosity of its donors, and annually sends each donor an End of Year Report on the foundation’s activities.
Our name, The King's Kids, reflects our belief that all children are God's children, and that it is the responsibility of all who can, to do all they can, to help serve the needs of children facing adversity. Since our inception, one primary goal of the Foundation has been to bring mentoring services to Monroe County, providing our children who are facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that will change their lives for the better, forever.

Our Approach

School-Based Mentoring is one-to-one mentoring that takes place on school grounds, during school hours. Mentors, "Bigs" meet with their "Littles" for one hour per week for the duration of the school year.
Being a Mentor, a "Big", is something just about anyone can do. The program is specifically designed for busy people, and volunteers are offered options that match their interests and are flexible to meet their schedules. Volunteers constantly say they get back more than they give. All volunteers are screened and trained before staff determine their eligibility to be a "Big". Once matched, Big Brothers Big Sisters supports the match on a monthly basis with activities to help foster a healthy relationship.
During the life of the match a professional Match Specialist is always just a phone call away to offer support. The Foundation is excited about bringing these services to Monroe County. We believe that through these professionally supported mentoring services, we will be able to break the cycle of poverty, measurably contribute to our future workforce, and improve the quality of life for all.

The Imagination Library
King’s Kids Foundation, Inc. has partnered with the Monroeville Kiwanis Club to fund the Imagination Library in Monroe County, Alabama. As the local affiliate for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Kings’ Kids and Monroeville Kiwanis Club is committed to enrolling eligible Monroe County children, from birth to age 5, in this program which will provide an age-appropriate book, mailed monthly to the child’s home address. If enrolled at birth, the child will have a personal library of sixty books upon graduation from the program at age 5. The Dollywood Foundation, King’s Kids Foundation, and the Monroeville Kiwanis Club share in the cost of the program, which is free to participating children. As the local affiliate, the cost to sponsor a child is just over $26.00 per year—the remaining cost is borne by the Dollywood Foundation.
In 2022, King’s Kids Foundation was the recipient of funding from the Alabama Partnership for Children, to assist with underwriting the program in its first three years.

The Wanda Robbins Scholarship
The Wanda Robbins Scholarship was established by King’s Kids Foundation in 2016 to honor the memory of the late Wanda Robbins who was serving as a member of the King’s Kids Foundation Board of Directors at the time of her sudden death. Robbins exemplified community service and unselfish dedication to others in all of her endeavors. A famous quote attributed to Robbins is, “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”
Annually, in memory of Robbins, King’s Kids Foundation presents college scholarships to Coastal Alabama Community College students who are residents of Monroe County, Alabama. Scholarship awards have ranged from $500 to $2,500, and one or more are granted annually in the spring.
Applicants for the scholarships are required to complete a one- to- two page essay and must demonstrate exemplary community service and leadership skills.
Scholarship awards are paid directly to the student’s institution of choice, and may be used toward further study at Coastal Alabama, or toward transfer to another institution

Missoula Children’s Theatre

King’s Kids Foundation annually sponsors a week- long summer theatre camp with Missoula Children’s Theatre, the nation’s largest touring theatre company. MCT will bring in two tour guides/directors, and provides scripts, costumes, sets and direction to produce a musical with roles for as many as 60 children, ages first grade to high school seniors.
Over a five-day period, children audition, are cast in their roles, learn their parts, and receive valuable instruction in theatre. At the week’s end, a stage play is presented at no cost to the public.
This theatrical experience is underwritten by King’s Kids Foundation, and there is no cost to the children to participate. King’s Kids encourages the public to attend the amazing stage play at the week’s end!
It is truly marvelous what the children learn and what they accomplish in this short week!
Monroeville Literary Festival

Monroeville, Alabama is known internationally as “The Literary Capital of Alabama.”
Annually for twenty-six years, the community has hosted the Alabama Writers Symposium, which evolved into the Monroeville Literary Festival in the year 2021. The event is sponsored by the Monroe County Heritage Museum, and brings together writers and readers for captivating readings, enlightening discussions, amusing conversations and Monroeville’s famous brand of hospitality. In 2022, King’s Kids Foundation became a part of the festival to provide children’s programing, bringing in children’s authors and live theater productions.
The festival is held annually the first weekend in March. Most events are free. Catered receptions and dinners will require a ticket. See MonroevilleLiteraryFestival.com.

Books For Babies & Up, Up and Away With Books
Books for Babies: This program, solely underwritten by King’s Kids Foundation, Inc., provides a special book to each child born at Monroe County Hospital, usually numbering over 200 books per year given to new babies!
Up, Up and Away With Books: This initiative by King’s Kids Foundation, Inc., provides free books to children enrolled in the HIPPY program (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters), currently serving over one hundred children annually. Books are given in the fall and spring to children enrolled in this program.

HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Pre-School Youngsters)
Founded locally in 2006, today the program serves well over one hundred children annually.
Seeing the need for early education for children in the community, HIPPY was organized to provide solutions. The HIPPY team, made up of people who share a love of education, provide learning enrichment through a home visiting program.
HIPPY is an evidenced-based early learning program that supports parents in their critical role of being their children's first teacher. In the HIPPY model, home visitors deliver 30 weeks of quality school readiness curriculum directly to the parent, who then works with their own two, three, or four year old child. HIPPY provides the books and materials needed for the parent to teach the child.

Distinguished Young Woman (DYW) of Monroe County

In 2022, King’s Kids Foundation became an annual contributor to the scholarship sponsorship program for DYW of Monroe County, Alabama.
DYW of Monroe County is part of a national scholarship program that promotes scholarship, leadership and talent in young women.
Cash scholarships are awarded at the local level and millions are granted at the national level (1 billion dollars annually). Local winners advance to the state competition in Montgomery, where more than $32,000 in college scholarships are granted annually.
King’s Kids Foundation, Inc. is honored to contribute to Monroe County’s program.
Grants and Other Opportunities
King’s Kids Foundation, Inc. actively pursues grant opportunities in the arts and literacy that will enhance the educational experiences of Monroe County’s children.
In 2022, King’s Kids Foundation is the recipient of two grants:
Alabama State Council on the Arts: $2,400 for Leaving Gee’s Bend: Lessons in Art, History and Culture
Alabama Partnership for Children: $15,786 to underwrite the Imagination Library cost through October, 2024.