Our Programs
Since our inception in 2008, The King's Kids Foundation has created, implemented, and funded the following programs:

Get Started! Backpack Project
Over a five year period, close to 1000 backpacks stuffed with school supplies were distributed to area schools throughout Monroe County. This project targeted Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third graders in need.
Field Trips and Spirit Shirts
The Foundation has funded field trips and purchased Spirit Shirts for Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third graders throughout the area.
The Vredenburgh Afterschool Program
This program, located in one of Monroe County's most isolated, rural areas, provides students with resources and educational tools which assist them with their schoolwork. The King's Kids Foundation was honored to be a part of helping this vital program continue its good work during the 2010-2011 school year.
HIPPY Program of Monroe County
HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) is a research-based program that works with families in the home to support parents in their critical role as their child's first and most influential teachers. The King's Kids Foundation is excited to have been a part of bringing this vital service to children in our community by donating $10,000.00 to the program in 2013. The foundation continue to be a strong annual supporter of HIPPY.

Enrichment Camp for the Arts
This camp, held on the campus of Monroeville Elementary School and staffed by Monroeville Elementary School teachers, was the vision of Foundation Board Members. The camp served 100 children annually ranging in age from preschool to fifth grade during its four years. Children who attended received instruction in art, music, drama, and dance. The camp created a nurturing environment for children to flourish in the arts.